Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Roots - Dear God 2.0

All I'm trying to do is live life to the fullest
They sent my daddy to you in a barrage of bullets
Why is the world ugly when you made it in your image?
And why is livin' life such a fight to the finish?
Since time immemorial, those who believe in a benevolent god have struggled to understand what C.S. Lewis called the "Problem of Pain." That is -- if a loving and all-powerful entity really is guiding our every move, why is our world so wracked by war? Why is life so often unjust and unfair? Why do we suffer?
Acid rain, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis
Terrorists, crime sprees, assaults and robberies
Endangered species and we runnin' out of trees
If I could hold the world in the palm of these hands
I would probably do away with these anomalies
Why aren't things... better?

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